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Friday, August 9, 2019

Interview Questions

I want to start a segment on some of the interview questions that people have heard during their job searches. I’ll lay out some of the most common interview questions I’ve heard. Then, I’ll answer them honestly like you’ve always wanted to. No advice or scripted answers, just the same answers that you usually give in your head, out loud. If you can relate to any of these, feel free to comment and share some of your stories!

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

“I know I’ve already read your cover letter, resume, and application,
 but please tell me everything about yourself for the third or fourth time so
 I don’t have to think about what questions to ask.”

How did you hear about the position?

“Our HR department wants us to keep statistics, so I’m required to 
task this question. Yes, even though I can see what website you applied through...
 and even though you answered this on the application already.”

Why do you want this job?

Because I need money to pay my bills.

What are your greatest professional strengths?

Correct answer: I enjoy taking on the workload of 2-3 people,
 forgoing benefits, and staff pizza parties!

Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

“Are you crazy?”

What's a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?

“Are you going to follow to the directions I give you? Or are you going
 to incite a riot every time I change something?”

How would your boss and co-workers describe you?

“Seriously, are you crazy?”

If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

If you looked up meaningless, “edgy” interview questions in a Buzzfeed
 article, which one would be the least likely to warrant a relevant response?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“Will you pledge yourself entirely to this company, even if we 
won’t commit to giving you time off or benefits until 6 months in?”

Do you have any questions for us?

This is your opportunity. Flip some of these silly questions around on them. 
Assert dominance.

That’s all for now. I’d like to showcase more questions like this in the future, so please send me the craziest questions you’ve been asked in an interview!

Interviews require questions to be asked and answered, but it’s a little silly that every employer uses the same handful of questions. Even better are the articles that dictate exactly what answers you’re supposed to give. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose if there are “correct” answers? Is this an opportunity for you to get to know me as an employee and person, or is it a test with rehearsed answers? I’m sure interviewers mean well, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t groan inside every time I hear them.

What would your honest responses be?


  1. Why do you think you're the right person for this position? Gee, I don't know...I have a pulse, I'm here interviewing and it's literally answering and transferring phone calls. Any idiot could do it and I'm of at least average intelligence.

  2. Why do you think you're the right person for the job?
    "Give me an easily digestible elevator pitch for your entire work experience so I don't have to remember all of your interview answers."


Thank you for your comment! Feel free to share your stories, too.